Education Week: American Education's News Site of Record

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Mobile Applications

 After the turn of the millennium a new wave of mobile devices ushered in a technological change that has altered society’s interactions. Mobile devices and applications have become an integral part of society, and will continue to advance and change society as smart phones continue to dominate the cell phone industry. Mobile applications have transformed the way students, teachers, family members, and friends interact with one another. Applications and mobiles, especially smart phones, are web 2.0 ready, and can allow the user to collaborate, interact, and network all on the same device. Mobile applications are a great tool for both students and teachers. They allow for files to be shared with a simple touch of a button, and constant collaboration between users. Social networks are also available as applications on most smart phones, and allow users to network and interact with people from all over the world. As mobile devices continuously develop year after year, users are adapting and changing the way they use their applications and increasingly are incorporating them into their daily lives. Mobile applications vary from educational, personal (finances, bills, e-mail, and calendars), social networking, professional, gaming, to personal photos and videos.
As technology advances the world becomes increasingly smaller. Mobile devices and applications have contributed to this change, and offer opportunities that have be unheard of prior to their fruition. The combination of mobile devices and applications give the users the flexibility and capacity to learn, perform, and interact in various degrees. A world of information and communication is at the hands of millions, and it is imperative to be abreast of these technologies in order to be ahead socially and academically.
Store Wars: A Mobile App Store InfographicTo advance in these so-called technological spheres it is essential to understand the usefulness and capabilities of mobile applications. Applications can be used in business, education, and in your personal life. By being aware of these tools you can optimize your time, and manage responsibilities more efficiently. Through the use of on the go internet you can access information to find out more about classes, schedules, and communicate with others in an instant. In the realm of education you can practice skills and challenging yourself with higher order thinking games. Textbooks can also become portable by downloading them onto your mobile device through a variety of applications. Both in business and education documents can be created and changed on the go. Furthermore, many mobile devices offer video opportunities to have face to face conferences anywhere. Business calls can also be made with easy through applications that promote long distance calling (i.e. Skype, viber).
Mobile applications can be used to solve problems. Have you ever been lost and need to find your way home? Well, there is an app for that! The development of augmented reality combines real world data with a virtual world to help you pinpoint where you are and where you want to go. Applications that involved augmented reality have created a world that can manipulate objects to view them under different circumstances. Also, collaboration via mobile devices has never been easier with applications. Universities have collaborated with medical schools to develop applications that give the users information on diseases, viruses, and symptoms. For example, according to the Horizon Report Harvard Medical School has developed an application about the H1N1 virus. Harvard Medical is collaborating with other medical institution to give the most up to date information instantly. Also, students can communicate and collaborate with professors and classmates via applications. At Purdue University students are using apps to contribute to discussions and ask questions. Even at Wilmington University students can download the blackboard app and have access to announcements and discussion boards via their mobile device. Download the app here.  Furthermore, social networking sites are being used inside the classroom to promote communication and collaboration. For example, students are using social networking sites like twitter to ask questions in classes, and the tweets are being projected onto a large screen.
Mobile applications are not only expanding the collaboration and communication within education and business, but it is creating a global interconnectedness. Through the introduction of smart phones and applications remote areas now have access to education, communication, training, and the ability to learn more about the world. Places all over the world are relying on technology to give them a valuable resource, education. In my recent travels abroad I stumbled into a remote village outside Katmandu, Nepal. The village had one school with a head master. The head master relied heavily on his smart phone and applications to skype and get resources for the school. One simple device has changed a way a village will live forever. When I came back to the U.S, I was able to stay in contact with the school, although at times not very often, by applications that can be downloaded for free or at a low cost. Global interactions have become real and offer an opportunity to learn about remote regions and understand global cultures. Students can communicate with other students across the world and learn about politics, climate, and geography. Instead of traditional pen pals students can know skype, video conference, with others from anywhere in the world (as long as they have access to the internet).  
As an educator mobile applications are essential to continue to expand and reinvent teaching strategies. Many applications help to create an interactive experience for the learner. It is essential for classrooms to have access to ipads, ipods, tablets, or any smart device that is compatible with applications. Once the actual technology is acquired the applications can be downloaded for student use. There are applications available for all grade levels and subjects. Students can use the applications individually or collaborate with other students. Check out the videos below to see how applications can be used and an initiative for ischools:


Applications allow the user to be at the forefront of their education. By internalizing the learning process students can take ownership over their learning and become motivated to succeed. Educational applications allow for educators to make curriculum more exciting and hands on. In history class students can explore ancient ruins and see how society functioned thousands of years ago. Students can take a virtual tour of the Coliseum and see the gladiators in action. Bringing history and events alive can help students connect to the material. Students can learn about historical figures and events through interactive games and adventures. Chalkboards and writing pads with calculators all on the same device can be used to participate in math class. In English class students can develop their writing and explore the internet to help them research topics. In Science students can learn about the stars through applications that incorporate augmented reality. Mobile applications can expand the learning process and when you have an idea or class game there is probably an app for it!
Mobile applications are easily accessible and do not require a lot of extra technology. All you need is a device capable of accessing the internet and download applications through either itunes or amazon, etc. Once you have found a store to download applications you can start right away! Many applications are free!
Mobile applications allow students and teachers to collaborate and share information electronically. The amount of applications available at times seems unlimited, and is even a running punch line – ‘there's an app for that.’ Although, the amount of applications is vast, there are limitations within their capabilities in the classroom. One of the problematic areas with applications is teacher controls. Many apps do not allow teachers to have access to the student device while it is in use, therefore, teachers have to monitor constantly. Thus, according to an edweek article, it is essential that apps are engaging enough to keep students on task or the teacher has the ability to stop the use of the app and device. As app developers are becoming more aware of the lack of parental and teacher control many are starting to develop new apps that will allow such supervision.
As mobile applications begin to be adapted by educators it is essential for teachers to know how to use the devices and apps. By incorporating applications into the classroom educators have the opportunity to transform the idea of teaching. Students and educators alike can receive instant feedback, and instruction can be developed to carter all students’ needs. Differentiated instruction can be a constant in every classroom, helping all students to feel comfortable and confident in their learning environment. With the adoption of mobile applications the traditional classroom can be altered to help keep up with the changing times. 


Hardawar, D. (2011). Users give mobile apps one shot 26% of the 
     time. Retrieved from

Johnson, L., Smith, R., Willis, H., Levine, A., and Haywood, K.,
     (2011). The 2011 horizon report. Austin, Texas: The New 
     Media Consortium.

Quillen, I. (2011). Mobile apps for education evolving. Retrieved 

(2012). Mobile tools. Retrieved from

iSchool Initiative. (2009). The ischool initiative (mobile      
      learning) [Video file]. Retrieved from

Apps Marketplace. (2011). Education apps in the google apps
       marketplace [Video file].